Tuesday, April 14, 2015



Alhamdulillah, the travelog entry in the previous post was actually meant for a competition by AZAM Russia, and I managed to make the third place. =)

Really have to break my habit of writing entries for competitions on the last day! But that's what happened every time, as I continue to put off writing it... Esoklah, esoklah, esoklahhhhh

Actually, I disliked the idea of forcing something that wasn't truly from your heart at that time, coz I strongly believe that 'apa yg datang drp hati akan dapat menyentuh hati'. That's why I needed time to relive the moments, to get the feel back into my heart and memories...  Bila ada mood baru boleh menulis.

Haish. Manja betul.

Well, what's done is done. It's my own fault.

I am truly amazed by this one young, bright, nice, but stern blogger. Every time I read his posts,  I can truly feel what he was trying to say. You could see his honesty in each of his words. All of his posts are creative, informative and contains a lot of advices.

Reading his posts, you will smile, you will laugh, you will cry. You might even be scared sometimes.

You will be reminded.

Sometimes  I will say to myself: This was the kind of blogger that I wanted to be!

He could make everything around him as the topic of discussion. Sealing any personal informations, he hides the identity of his subjects very well so that they will not feel ashamed. Kita kena tutup aib orang juga, tahu? So that Allah will cover all our aib dekat padang Mahsyar nanti. Lagi ramai org tgk. Lagi malu.

I don't really know how to blog. But I loved creating stories, thus (cerpen) 'The Light' and a few others were born! I'm a happy momma but I would like a few dozen more kids. Haha.

Okay, back to the story.

It felt so great working with him, very enthusiastic and full of ideas! Kalau penat pun rasa semangat balik. It was like, suddenly we can see a wide range of possibilities in front of us. Many opportunities. Diversity in choices. Woah.

Yeah, woah. Literally.

I don't know if you are reading this, or even if you know it is you, but I have something to say, some words that might or might not be important, but... they are sincere.

You are young, full of spirit and enthusiasm- please maintain that along this long journey, and sprinkle some of those to your beloved colleagues whenever needed. All the time laaagi bagus ;)

Even though we entered this long road before you, sometimes we might make mistakes as well. This only shows that we are human too, right? Learn from them, never to repeat. And for that, I am truly sorry.

One thing, in which I have learnt the hard way- Allah is truly the best planner, and He knows when you are ready. Have faith in Him, and have faith in yourself. Yup, at times (even though dah puas berlapang dada) you might still feel that sense of uneasiness, kind of being left behind. As said and quoted from the film Spiderman-great powers come with great responsibilities. In my circumstances, Allah actually wanted to remind me that EVERY THING I do must be SINCERE, ikhlas only for Him. Not for positions, a nice name or something of the sorts. Unbeknown to me at that time, my niat wasn't as sincere as it was when I first started. I became competitive, I was jealous. A lethal disease!!!

I was and am still ashamed of myself. Alhamdulillah, with His love and guidance, I realised my mistake. But not after some breakdowns and tears and maybe something else that I couldn't remember.

After that, I started to feel full again, always being grateful for being in the place I am placed by Him, for every thing must have a reason. You have your duty here!- is what I would like to remind myself. And they have their own duty too, in their own place. That's the beauty of his planning-nothing goes to waste, every thing is appreciated.

Just like Khalid alWalid- no matter where you are, what role you play, you are still an important piece for the ummah! All that counts in front of Allah- only TAQWA.

Maybe  he wants to teach you something more. Maybe He is preparing you for something better. Maybe you are the playmaker all along without even knowing it? Who knows? Just sit tight, and enjoy the ride. =)

Yeah, I have been there, felt that. Please don't mind the tears. I might look strong, tapi dalam hati ada taman. Eh.

Nope. Just a plain crybaby. Maybe.

And I am lucky for not quitting, though the urge was so great at that moment. If not, I would have missed all the good stuffs promised by Him! You wouldn't want to miss 'em too, right?

The same goes for every other things in life. No matter how hard you yearn and you beg Him for something, it might not be the best for you. Guess what? I learnt this the hard way too. Through tears have I learnt to leave my hopes solely to Allah, and whatever He gave me is the best. And now I dare not to ask for myself without saying- if that's the best of me, if that's what you have planned for me, then and only then please give it to me.

I never had any little brother or sister, but these are the words I would like to say to each one of you who are treading the same path as us. I am not that wise nor that experienced, but I really hope you will not make the same mistakes that I did.


Uhibbukum fillah.

Please be steadfast, because the ummah needs you.

Disclaimer: this post was not meant to hurt anybody in any way. Please pm me if it did, for I would like to offer my sincerest apologies.

Moga Allah redha.
